Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More Bus Rapid Transit.

Looks like BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is getting more attention. I don't know why this is taken seriously, so one wants to leave their cars to ride on a bus, even a big glorified Ride-On bus.

There is a new article in the Gazette where Elrich wants a new system of BRT running around the county in the medians. Ok, stream lined, high capacity, modern buses. I can somewhat see that. But this one calls for Bus stations that are "more like Metro stations" and "running one direction in the morning and other direction in the evening".

Both of those seem like bad ideas to me. A rail station needs to be a rail station because its rail. But buses don't require a station, just a "improved" curb with some benches and something overhead to keep the rain off of you while you wait. Unidirectional also does not make sense. Sure you save some fuel, but those bus drivers sittting around in DC all midday waiting for the return home commute are still on the clock.

What troubles me the most is that BRT is still being touted for the CCT. Only rail can make the CCT grow the upper county with TOD.

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