Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Council Votes are in. Light Rail .... Barely

Looks like the Montgomery County council voted yesterday on the I-270 and CCT plans. It pretty much fell into a plan that I like.

Instead of a mega I-270 upgrade all they way to Frederick with four lanes in each direction, they instead support adding just two reversible HOV/HOT/etc... lanes. Reversible lanes make sense to me since the traffic is usually backed up in only one direction at a time.

My baby the CCT got the Light Rail blessing. I was really begining to worry that BRT was gaining support even though everyone knows its a stinker. Even the anti-growth people favored BRT since they knew that if built, it would discourage development.

Here are some related articles.

Washington Business Journal - Montgomery County Council to likely back light rail.
Washington Examiner - Crucial I-270 proposal up for Vote.
Washington Post - Montgomery Officials back I-270 HOT lanes (women and minorities hardest hit)
WTOP - Bus or Rail? County debates I-270 Gridlock solution.
Gazzette - Council favors fail for transitway.

Now it will just be up to the State of MD to decide. Come on Obama money!!!

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